Emigrants from Earth
A Series.
Series Summary
When you watch the news do you see Technology in conflict with Values, Religion being Suppressed and leading the Suppression of Others, Politics Superseding Common Sense and destroying Culture. Some seek power before and above all else.
What will happen when physicists finally figure out we can travel Faster Than Light (FTL)? Today that idea is out of favor, but what about in tomorrow? Some say that FTL is against Einstein’s famous and sacred equation E=MC2. The speed of light (C) they say is a constant. Then what about Black Holes where say Physicists, the gravity is so great that light can’t leave. Meaning, obviously C is not a constant, and that is what enables Emigrants to leave Earth.
So what will happen when FTL travel Bursts upon mankind?
Will there be any lack of individuals or groups willing to risk their money and even their lives to live on or potentially rule a world of their own?
Say tomorrow or in 50 years FTL Travel is possible, is being commercialized, and a tenth of one percent of mankind, or even one percent or five percent of mankind can afford to leave Earth. How many would leave. What kind of Growth Industry would it create? What skills would such emigrants need? What everyday things, services and conveniences will they have to leave behind?
When Emigrants reach a planet in the Goldilocks Zone, one with Oxygen and Nitrogen and liquid water what will they find? How likely are they to die of a plague, hunger or in a cataclysm?
Will they find plants, animals, oceans or perhaps 99.9 percent desert? Will they be masters of all, or a night time snack for a local predator?
The Emigrants From Earth series assumes FTL Travel will happen as a natural outgrowth of current technology. Groups and individuals will then leave on their own, or be sent or sponsored by individuals, groups, institutions, companies or countries. And they will have places to go. Astronomers are finding more and more worlds with the basics of life, oxygen and liquid water.
The Emigrants From Earth stories were written over decades but at least four will have been published by the end of 2023 and 3 to 5 more by the end of 2024. Then more as they are completed.
The stories were and continue to be written to Explore the Possible, and what is Probable after a FTL drive is built and commercialized. These stories like all fiction are stories of what Might Be. But with faith in hard work, adventure, science and the indomitable nature of man they can happen. All technology in these books is based on what we have today and what it might develop into tomorrow.
Welcome to the Worlds of the Emigrants From Earth
Don Holman, Author